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2003-06-09 - 2:15

Not in a straight line

June has become a very expensive month (although I mostly knew that would be the case). The main culprits are the facts that this is one of the two months of the year in which I have an extra mortgage payment (I went with accelerated bi-weekly) and that this is the time when the second half of property tax is due. (Well, slightly more than half, actually, since they raised the rates after the first bill.) Property tax is super high: more than any of my other bills (even heat). Meh.

I also had to spend money on garden-type things today: a lawnmower (replacing the older one that I had mooched last year), a trimmer, a hose, and whatnot. (I feel like such a homeowner. Heh.) My front yard is still crying out for help; but the back is at least semi-respectable now. And I can hook up the refilling attachment for the Splashzooka now, which can only be a good thing, right?

Although the rain continues to be in the forecast day after day, it is at least feeling summery temperature-wise, so it's good to have a backyard worth hanging out in.

I see that my updates have slipped to weekly now, which has me struggling to think of what has been on the go. Mainly it has been more getting together with Laurie (and company), which is a good thing. I seem to have insinuated myself into the Tuesday NTN matches, which is fun despite the fact that I have yet to finish ahead of Laurie. I also finally made a visit to her apartment this past week, which was cool.

Now that it's past midnight, I guess that it's my birthday. [Insert Buck 65 "Twenty-some years is a long road" line here. Actually, the remainder of the song is far more apt this year.] No complaints at all, this year, I must say. Twenty-six feels all right to me.

I'll scrounge up a few folks for the traditional Chinatown birthday supper tomorrow, although (as was the case two years ago), we should start early or hustle, since Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals is later in the night. We'll see how it goes.

It should definitely be a good week, though: first the birthday, Ozzy on Thursday, The Dears on Friday, then flying to Boston on Saturday to see Rollins Band on Sunday. I'd say that's fairly rockin' for an old guy.


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