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Humanity Past

2002-02-26 - Cooking eggs
2002-02-25 - O Canada
2002-02-23 - Too much rock and roll
2002-02-21 - Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck
2002-02-19 - White guys who shave their heads
2002-02-16 - D�f
2002-02-15 - Not catatonic
2002-02-13 - Like Sting
2002-02-12 - You got no style, Dutch
2002-02-10 - Frozen aqua boogie
2002-02-06 - That's nice chopping
2002-02-04 - Figure of fun
2002-02-02 - Now we're cooking with gas
2002-02-17 - Dying of a Japanese nuclear bomb
2002-02-28 - Stay with me, son, we're working here

2004-2005 2003 2002 2001 2000