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Humanity Past

2001-05-30 - Ooh, baby
2001-05-28 - Back in town
2001-05-26 - And she knows I've used that line before
2001-05-25 - Like, double guitars
2001-05-24 - Ghost poems
2001-05-23 - I went down to the Texas border
2001-05-22 - Another airport sprint
2001-05-18 - Deep in the heart of Texas
2001-05-17 - Thirty for sixty
2001-05-16 - Fried chicken and coffee
2001-05-15 - And dye your hair
2001-05-14 - From the neck down
2001-05-12 - Whining
2001-05-10 - Long walks off short tangents
2001-05-07 - And wonder why
2001-05-05 - Domesticity
2001-05-02 - Fifteen points
2001-05-01 - Quick turnover
2001-05-08 - Work mode
2001-05-06 - Toronto
2001-05-31 - Why don't you get a haircut, farm boy?
2001-05-03 - NP 3

2004-2005 2003 2002 2001 2000